los gerrilleros disen que las colombianas estamos bien buenotas que asta don plomo por nosotras

Americans Looking for Love Are Getting Killed by Gangs in Colombia

U.S. Embassy warns tourists after eight men died in Medellín in two months, often after meeting women on dating apps


Kejal Vyas


Updated Jan. 20, 2024 1:12 am ET




(2 min)

Medellín, Colombia’s second-largest city, has been transformed into a tourist hot spot. PHOTO: ALAMY STOCK PHOTO

BOGOTÁ, Colombia—Minnesota comedian Tou Ger Xiong had fallen in love with the expat lifestyle in the vibrant Colombian city of Medellín: stock trading by day, fine dining and dance clubs by night.

He was one of a rising number of Americans and foreign nationals who began flocking to the country after the Covid-19 pandemic, some on new digital nomad visas introduced to help spur a growing startup scene.

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dise que lo que pasa es que en colombia a ls mujeres les gusta mantener a los hombres

Confirmo a mí me han dicho que si soy amante de algún Narco y así :fearful:

Disen que si.nos paresemos a Sofia Vergara y si bailamos como.shakira en fin



Pues ASI.sea un chino.el
Muerto.fue el.univo.wur nos Medio.pelo